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You are not getting pressure from creditors or bills. After a death, third parties like creditors, banks and the government don’t expect the family to take care of anything immediately. All of these third parties are sympathetic to the family’s loss and will provide the family will generous grace periods to take care of things like paying bills. It is certainly a virtue to pay every bill on time, but death is the big exception to that rule. Taking an extra few weeks or a month to sort things out is normal and expected.
Everyone likes to say that the funeral bill is a problem that must be dealt with immediately. In practice, however, the funeral bill is not an exception to the rule. Many funeral directors give an invoice that is due in 30 days. That gives plenty of time to work on the estate without rushing. If a funeral director demands immediate payment, the easy solution is to put the bill on a credit card. The credit card bill will not come in the mail for a month or so, giving plenty of time to arrange for payment from the estate. The family member who uses their card might also earn bonus points on their account.